Click Mine Case Study

The Great Trent River Raft Race Web design project for New Bern Chamber of Commerce – NC.

The Challenge

Create a mobile responsive event website to act as the hub for event participants, vendors, sponsors and spectators.

The event is hosted by the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce in North Carolina.

The Solution

Using WordPress and WooCommerce alongside several feature-expanding plugins, we were able to create a feature-rich event website which helped reduce labor cost by event organizers and drive revenue through online registration and retail/commerce.

Event Website Creation

Designed to reduce organizational labor and drive revenues.


Reduction in Labor


Increase In Revenues

Day Turnaround

Amazing Result


Web Design Features

  • Merchandise sales / Coupons / Discounts
  • Racer Recruitment / Registration / Online Payment
  • Vendor Recruitment / Registration / Online Payment
  • Sponsor Recruitment / Registration / Online Payment
  • / PayPal Integration
  • Featured Sponsor / Advertising Integration
  • Barcode Ticketing System For Check-Ins
  • Fully Mobile Optimized

More Features

  • Segmented Email Marketing System
  • Promotional Video Trailer
  • Viral Competition Module with Social Share
  • Integration With Social Media Accounts
  • Powerful Recruitment Tools for Volunteers
  • Download Event Marketing Packs – Posters/Flyers/More
  • Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management

What Can Click Mine Web Design Do For Your Event?

Let Us Build You A Turnkey Event Website


Who Can We Help

We can work with anyone in getting a new or existing event launched. Whether you’re a well-staffed Chamber of Commerce, a small charity organization or Church, or just a group who want to get together and create a splash in the community, we can help!

Sports events, Charities, Art Fairs, Cook-Offs, Racing Events – you name it and we can design a website to handle your event. Large or small, it doesn’t matter – our webite will pay for itself regardless of the scale of your event.

We can also step back and take direction from you or become an active part of your organizational team. We can even be there on event day to help out!

Affordable Pricing Options

The main point of what we do is to reduce your operating cost and increase your revenue. We want you to be profitable so we can benefit from a long term working relationship.

To help with fees we can charge a flat fee for the website and all agreed efforts on our part, or we can build the website around a revenue sharing model.

Contact us today to learn more!

A Note From Our VP of Sales and Marketing, Lisa Seeber

We recently partnered with the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce in North Carolina and The Great Trent River Raft Race committee, to design and build a website for what is expected to be New Bern’s biggest event of the 2018 season, perhaps drawing over 50,000 spectators, participants and vendors to the area.

We launched the website on January 9 2018 to an overwhelmingly positive response, and we’re already receiving sponsorship and participant registrations at the website, with online merchandise sales to launch as soon as the products become available from suppliers.

As you must already know, events can be challenging. Volunteer recruitment, merchandise sales and fulfillment, finding vendors and sponsors to generate revenue and dealing with the logistics of finding and registering event participants.

Then, come event day, managing vendor and participant check-ins, the logistics of managing tickets, waivers, participant orientation and much more. Not to forget the integration of online payment systems, email management systems for notifying participants of rule changes etc, and, of course, the challenge of Social Media marketing and integration with the website.

We have streamlined the processes and designed a powerful website that can do all of these tasks with very little manual involvement. That saves you, the event coordinator, many hours on the phone and many hours of handling email inquiries. The website becomes not only a logistical hub but also a powerful marketing tool to drive revenue through multiple channels.

Please take a look at

Lisa Seeber

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